Quigley Patrick 1901 Kootenai
Quinliran Mark Lemhi California 2nd California Infantry
QUINLIVAN Mark 1835 ? 1909 Lemhi California Co. L, 2nd California Cavalry
Rainey Wm. J Ada California Co. H, 3rd California Infanty
RAINEY John W 1834 ? 1909 Ada Colorado Co. G, 1st Colorado Cavalry
RAINEY William J 1839 1921 Ada California Co. H, 3rd California Volunteers
Rainwater P J Nez Perce Iowa Co. B, 47th Iowa Infantry
Ramey Sylvester 1847 Kootenai Co. Kentucky 29th Kentucky Cavalry
Ramey Sylvester Kootenai Co. Minnesota Co E, 1st MN Heavy Artillery
Ramey Sylvester 1908 Kootenai Co.
RANDALL John 1848 1926 Lewis
RANDALL Josiah 1842 ? 1907 Ada Illinois Co. A, 14th Illinois Volunteers
Randall O P Canyon Illinois Co. C, 10th Illinois Infantry
RANDALL John 1848 1926 Lewis
RANSOM Oliver 1846 1924 Clark Pennsylvania Co. F, 107th Pennsylvania Infantry
RAVENSCRAFT William 1842 ? 1935 CA/Minidoka
RAY William 1838 1909 Ada Wisconsin Co. F, 4th Wisconsin Infantry
RAYMOND Lyman 1841 ? 1925 Washington Minnesota Co. K, Minnesota Volunteers
Raynor Champion 1830 Bannock New York Co. A, 121st New York Volunteer Infantry
Ream John 1844 Freece, Latah County Pennsylvania Co. B, 100th Pennsylvania Infantry
REASON Martin Willis 1911 Ada Co. H, 2nd U.S. Regular Cavalry
RECORD John Spencer 1842 1927 Ada Illinois Co. C, 129th Illinois Vol. Infantry
Records John S Ada Illinois Co. C, 129th Illinois Infantry
Redding John 1839? 1907 Bellevue Union Army
Redding John Pennsylvania 42nd PA Infantry, 22nd (VRC) Veterans Res Corp, Union Army
Redding John Alturas County
Redsull T T Blaine Oregon Co. A, 1st Oregon
Reed James Kootenai Ohio Co. D, 68th Ohio
REED Charlie 1932 Ada / Gem 16th Army Corps.
REED Charlie 1932 Ada / Gem Wisconsin 33rd Wisconsin Regiment
REED Frank E 1839 1896 Gooding New York Co. D, 97th New York Vol. Infantry
REED George Washington 1843 1923 Gem Iowa 29th Iowa Infantry
Reel H F Ada Iowa Co. A, 4th Iowa Cavalry
Reese Robt. G Lemhi Illinois Co. K, 81st Illinois Infantry
REICHERT Peter 1839 1935 Ada Navy
REID George 1841 1927 Ada Missouri Co. L, 3rd Missouri Cavalry
Reinhart (Rinehart) William Adelbert 1845 1914 Kootenai Minnesota Co. H, 8th Minnesota
RENNIE Robert Bonner Mass. Co. K, 3rd Mass.
Rennie Robert Bonner Massachusetts Co. K, 3rd Massachusetts H. A.
Rent Edgar A Payette New York Co. I, 60th New York
Reynolds S M C Ada Missouri Co. C, 6th Missouri Cavalry
REYNOLDS Winfield S 1848 ? Idaho Confederate Army
REYNOLDS Samuel M C 1847 1924 Ada Missouri 6th Missouri Cavalry
RICE George H / E 1835 ? 1908 Ada New York Co. A, 2nd New York Cavalry
RICHARDS Jos Nez Perce Iowa Co. I, 15th Iowa Infantry
Richardson John C Lemhi California Co. F, 1st California Infantry
RICHARDSON Aaron 1844 1936 Ada / Gem Missouri 35th Missouri Infantry
RICHARDSON Aaron 1844 1936 Ada / Gem Illinois 11th Illinois Cavalry
RICHARDSON George H 1846 1922 Ada Illinois Co. B, 145th Illinois Infantry
RICHTER Charles 1840 1920 Ada Indiana 25th Indiana Battery
RICKARD John G 1839 1926 Elmore
RICKER Wentworth 1820 ? 1900 Latah New York 3rd New York Cavalry
RIDDLE George T 1839 ? 1911 Ada Ohio Co. M, 3rd Ohio Infantry
Ridgeway Oliver 1910 Bannock
RIEDEL Max 1844 1920 Ada New York Co. C, 39th New York Infantry
RIGGS Henry C 1826 1909 Ada Missouri Co. A, Missouri Mounted Vol.
Riley W T Blaine New York Co. D, 86th New York
RILEY William J 1846 1902 Nez Perce
Ring E P Twin Falls Pennsylvania Co. A, 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry
RING Euphroneous P 1840 1915 Twin Falls Pennsylvania 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Ringer John T 1839 1930 WA State Missouri Co. D, 5th Missouri Cavalry
ROBB Calvin M 1841 1926 Canyon Indiana Co. K, 77th Indiana Volunteers
Robberson J H Canyon Co. D, 1st U. S. Vet. Eng
Robbins W. Wallace 1847 1932 Boise New Jersey Co. B, 1st N. J. Volunteers
Robbins Wallace Ada New Jersey Co. B, 7th New Jersey Infantry
Robbins Warren D
Roberts George H
Roberts Thos B Canyon Co. H
ROBERTS George H 1841 1922 Ada Pennsylvania ? General Hooker's Staff
ROBERTS Henry W 1846 1922 Ada Mass. Co. C, 32nd Massachusetts Infantry
Robertson Joseph Gem Nebraska Co. H, 18th Nebraska
Robertson Joseph Hume 1846 1931 Shelton, WA
Robertson Sylvester Bingham Ohio Co. I, 169th Ohio
ROBERTSON David Arthur 1831 1907 Elmore Wisconsin Co. H, 16th Wisconsin Infantry
ROBERTSON James W 1845 1895 Latah Iowa Co. G, 13th Iowa Infantry
ROBERTSON Joseph Hume 1846? 1931 WA/Ada Illinois Co., E, 115th Illinois
ROBIE Edward W 1835 1889 Idaho Missouri Co. A, 1st Missouri Volunteers
Robinson H H Latah
ROBINSON Henry Harrison 1841 1908 Latah Missouri 6th Missouri Cavalry
ROCK Alexander M 1844 1923 Ada Ohio Co. B, 36th Ohio Valley Infantry
ROGERS John C 1843 Cassia Missouri Co. F, 6th Missouri Cavalry
ROGERS Sanderson H 1842 1921 Clearwater
ROLAND William G 1846? 1935 Ada Oregon Cavalry A, 1st Oregon Volunteers
ROOKE Andrew Burton 1840 1931 Idaho Co. I, 8th Virginia Cavalry
Root Geo W Bannock Kansas Co. H, 15th Kansas Cavalry
ROOT David H 1846 1930 Gem Illinois Co. I, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
ROOT Harvey S 1835 1912 Ada Wisconsin Co. K, Wisconsin Vol. Infantry
Rosebaugh John Idaho Pennsylvania Co. C, 9th Pennsylavania Cavalry
Rosebaugh John Idaho Pennsylvania Co. G, 134th Pennsylvania Infantry
Rosebaugh/Rosenbaugh John 1844 1920
Rosenbaugh John 1844 1920 Grangeville
Ross James W. 1847 Palouse, Latah County Kansas Co. M, 9th Kansas Cavalry
Ross Jas./James W. 1847 1921? Latah Kansas Co. M, 9th Kansas Cavalry
ROSS Rudolph 1838 1895 Ada Pennsylvania Co. C, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
Roundtree W J Kootenai
ROWDEN Isaac D 1840 1926 Nez Perce
Rowe Alexander M Payette Ohio Co. G, 7th Ohio Infantry
Rowe Alexander M Payette Ohio Co. A, 1st Ohio Battery
ROWE< Alexander M 1842 1920 Ada Ohio Co. A, 1st Ohio Light Artillery
Rowley L Nez Perce Illinois 47th Illinois Infantry
ROWLEY Lafayette 1830 1911 Nez Perce Illinois 47th Illinois Infantry
Royce John Kootenai Illinois Co. G, 65th Illinois
ROYCE John W 1848 1922 WA/Kootenai
Rudd Bryant M. 1837 1925 Latah Indiana Co. B, 148th Indiana Infantry
RUMIZER Henry H 1844 1899 Canyon Pennsylvania 142nd Pennsylvania Infantry
RUMMEL John C 1843 1926 Ada Ohio Co. A, 65th Ohio Infantry
RUMPEL Victor 1835 ? 1897 Ada Indiana 16th Indiana Battery
Russel A W 1832 1912 Illinois Co. I, 29th Illinois Infantry
Russell Alexander W 1832 1912 Lewis
Russell Benj. F Lemhi Illinois Co. B, 34th Illinois Infantry
Russell James E Kootenai Minnesota Co. G, 1st Minnesota
Russell S F Ada Illinois Co. A, 10th Illinois Cavalry
RUSSELL A W Illinois Co. I, 29th Illinois Infantry
RUSSELL Benjamin F 1841 1916 Ada Illinois Co. B, 34th Illinois Infantry
RUSSELL Charles T or B 1832 1918 Ada Minnesota 2nd Battery Minnesota Light Artillery
RUSSELL James E 1839 1912 Kootenai Minnesota Co. G, 1st Minnesota Infantry
RUSSELL Samuel Floyd 1839 1922 Ada Illinois Co. A, 10th Illinois Cavalry
RUSSUM I F 1844 1924 Ada Illinois Co. F, 106th Illinois Infantry
Ryan P Latah Michigan Co. B, 4th Michigan Cavalry
Ryan Thos Bannock Co. D, 11th U. S. A.
RYAN Patrick 1842 1933 Ada / Latah
RYAN Thomas 1849 1911 Ada Co. C, 2nd U.S. Cavalry
SABIN John B 1846? 1911 Kootenai New York Hospital Steward 2nd New York MTD Rifles
Sabin John Kootenai New York Co. B, 2nd New York
SABIN James Cyrus 1848 1934 Cassia Michigan 1st Michigan Cavalry
SACKETT Elisha 1843 1926 Ada / Canyon Illinois Co. L, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
SACKS John F 1843 1915 Ada West Va. Co. M, 3rd West Virginia Cavalry
Sage James R 1824 1915 Ada Iowa Co. K, 13th Iowa Infantry
Sage Samuel G 1819 ? 1890 Washington Missouri Co. F, 1st Missouri S M
Sales John Idaho Michigan Co. H, 4th Michigan Infantry
SALES John 1844 1921 Lewis Michigan Michigan Regiment
Sampson George 1843 1905 Blaine New York Co D, 38th NY Infantry
SAMPSON William G 1842 1932 Twin Falls Iowa 8th Iowa Cavalry
SANDFORD John Herman 1837 1933 Oregon / Lewis Iowa 10th Iowa Co., 15th Army Corps.
Sanesbury Mathias Washington Ohio Co. I, 38th Ohio
Savage James 1836?/1 1926 Coeur d'Alene, Wardner Georgia? Confederate
Savage John Ada Co. E, 18th U.S. Infantry
Savage John W. 1842 1908 Co E, 18th US Infantry
SAVAGE Michael 1830 ? 1910 Ada Nevada Co. C, 1st Nevada Infantry
Saviers John W. 1844 1930 Shoshone Ohio Co. I, 176th Ohion Infantry
Saviers Mrs. J. W./ Lile Todd 1849? 1930 Shoshone
Sawley John Kootenai Wisconsin Co. F, 47th Wisconsin Infantry
SAWLEY Samuel 1846 1942 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. F, 47th Wisconsin Infantry
Sawtell Gilman 1836 1899 Coeur d'Alene, Sandpoint Union Army
Sawtell Gilman Kootenai County
Sawtell/Sawtelle Gilmann Henry's Lake
SAXTON Hiram G 1834 1916 Ada Michigan Co. G, 21st Veteran Reserve Corp
Saxton James A 1830 1905 Kansas Co E, 10th Kansas Infantry
SCHINDLER Adam 1833 1923 Canyon Co. H, 13th Pennsylavania Infantry
SCHMIDT Albery Lemhi Ohio Co. H, 9th Ohio Infantry
Schmidt Charles E 1847 1903 Dist of Columbia Co A, 1st Dist of Col Cavalry
SCHUMAKER Henry New Jersey Co. K, 2nd New Jersey Cavalry
SCHWARTZ Edward A 1844 1922 Bonner Wisconsin Co. B, 27th Wisconsin Infantry
SEARLES Danford D 1845 1925 Bonner Illinois Co. M, 8th Illinois Cavalry
Sears Aaron Washington Illinois Co. C, 41st Illinois
Seddons John 1826 1902 Bannock Illlinois Co A, 81st Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Selsor Francis M Lemhi Ohio Co. C, 60th Ohio Infantry
SENTER Almon S 1845 1899 Lincoln Mass. Co. G, 6th Massachusetts Vol. Inf.
Sessions Cornelius 1913 Ada Kansas Co. C, 11th Kansas Cavalry
SEYMOUR Mortimer 1844 1926 Ada Indiana Co. D, 73rd Indiana Infantry
SHAFFER Abraham 1845 ? 1908 Ada Ohio Co. C, 129th Ohio Infantry
SHAFFNER Michael 1817 ? 1906 Kootenai Co. H, 2nd U. S. Infantry
SHANNON Samuel L 1842 1912 Ada Ohio Co. I, 97th Ohio Infantry
Sharai Wellington F 1845 Bonner Colorado 1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry
Sharp Jasper P Latah Kansas Irregulars
SHARP Levi 1838 ? Idaho Kansas Co. H, 7th Kansas Cavalry
SHARP Abel B 1843 1916 Ada Indiana Co. B, 151st Indiana Infantry
Shawhan Joseph H Payette Iowa Co. B, 83rd Iowa Infantry
SHAWHAN Joseph H. 1838 1911 Canyon Iowa Co. B, 33rd Iowa Infantry
SHAWHAN Joseph H. 1838 1911 Canyon Iowa Co. K, 9th Iowa Cavalry
SHEARER George M 1841 1890 Idaho Maryland Co. A, 1st Maryland Regiment
SHEFTER George H 1835 1916 Ada Iowa Co. A, 8th Iowa Cavalry
SHELDON Isaac B 1844 1940 Power
Shell Geo W Canyon Kansas Co, D, 9th Kansas Cavalry
Shell William 1839 1899 Boise Co Illinois Co C, 7th Illinois Infantry
SHELLWORTH Julius Ferdin 1845 1940 Ada
Shepherd Andrew A 1847 1901 Bannock Illinois Co. B, 145th Illinois Infantry
Sherman Edwin M Washington Illinois Co. H 74th Illinois Infantry
Shields James W Twin Falls Indiana Co. A, 130th Indiana
Shields William Richardson 1827 1919 Coeur d'Alene, Mullan Virginia Confederaate, 27th Virginia Volunteers
SHIELDS C H 1891 Boise Maine 1st Battn., Maine Light Artillery
SHIELDS James W 1847 1933 Ada Indiana Co. A, 130th Indiana Vol. Infantry
SHILLING Watson N 1840 1923 Blaine Michigan Co. M, 1st Michigan Cavalry
SHINE Thos Bonner Ohio Co. G, 124th Ohio Infantry
Shoup George L
Shoup James M Mound City, Alaska Alaska Landsman U.S.
SHOUP George L 1836 1904 Ada Colorado 3rd Colorado Cavalry
SHUEE George Washington 1840 1931 Canyon Kansas Co. D, 9th Kansas Cavalry
Shurtz Samuel Ada Ohio Co. F, 65th Ohio
Shurtz Samuel E 1841 1925 Ada
SICKLER Welmon P 1847 ? 1910 Ada Wisconsin Co. H, 39th Wisconsin Infantry
Silnker/Slinker Levi 1842 1919 Payette Illinois Co. G, 71st regiment Illinois Infantry
Simmons Carroll 1829 1904 Bannock Missouri 6th Missouri Cavalry Provisional Volunteers
Simmons John F 1900 Washington Kansas Co. A, 2nd Kansas Infantry
Simons Delos Lemhi Wisconsin Co. H, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry
SINCLAIR James New York New York Regiment
SINGISER Theodore Frelinghuysen 1845 1907 Penn / Ada
Sischo Chas E Kootenai Michigan U. S. N.
Sisson N G Bonner Wisconsin Co. A, 4th Wisconsin Infantry
SISSON Nathan Gardner 1847 1929 Bonner Wisconsin Co. A, 40th Wisconsin Infantry
Skeel S M Bonner
Skelton S M Canyon Ohio Co, I, 91st Ohio U. S.
SLATER George 1848 1902 Ada
Slinker Levi Payette 1842-1919 Illinois Co. G, 71st Illinois Infantry
Slinker Levi Payette Illinois Co. G, 71st Illinois Infantry
Slocum A C Kootenai Pennsylvania Co, C, 78th Pennsylvania
Slonaker Jacob Payette Iowa Co. F, 15th Iowa Infantry
Slonaker Jacob 1831 1912 Canyon Iowa Co. F, 15th Iowa Infantry
Slusser C Canyon Iowa Co. A, 34th Iowa Infantry
Small Albert Nez Perce Maine 1st Maine Cavalry
Smallhouse Henry Twin Falls Kentucky Co. C, 26th Kentucky
Smirl James M 1843 1900 Ada Illinois Co. C or G, 124th Illinois Infantry
Smith D S Canyon Illinois Co. A, 88th Illinois Infantry
Smith David K 1845 1920 Kootenai Indiana Co. I, 150th Indiana Infantry
Smith Edward James 1837-1924Iowa Co. C, 8th Cavalry Regiment Iowa
Smith Frank D. 1838 1927 Coeur d'Alene Wisconsin Co. D, 2nd Wisonsin Cavalry
Smith George P. 1843 1917 Ada Wisconsin Co. E, 13th Wisconsin Infantry
Smith George 1917 Boise
Smith Hugh Ada Massachusetts Co. C, 33rd Massachusetts Infantry
Smith J C Canyon Iowa Co, D, 1st Iowa Cavalry
SMITH Jno Kootenai New York Co. M, 112th New York Infantry
Smith Jonathan Gem Missouri Co. E, 23rd Missouri
Smith Jonathan H. 1817 1909 Canyon
Smith Jonithan 1909 Missoui Co E, 25th Missouri Infantrty
Smith Laurance 1848 1915 Ada Wisconsin Co. K, 39th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
Smith Martin S 1848 1913 Ada Kansas Co. L, 11th Kansas Cavalry
Smith Robert Ada New York Co. H, 12th New York Cavalry
Smith Thos. R Ada Michigan Co. I, 21st Michigan Infantry
Smith Wilda A 1841 1922 Latah Indiana ? Nurse
SMITH Amasa 1835 ? 1912 Ada West Va. Co. H, 6th West Virginia Infantry
SMITH Edwin 1845 1922 Ada Iowa Co. H, 13th Iowa Infantry
SMITH Elder 1847 1940 Ada Pennsylvania Co. L, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
SMITH George D 1844 1926 Ada New York Co. K, 2nd New York Infantry
SMITH Gilbert F 1846 1916 Adams Ohio Co. I, 115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
SMITH Hiram 1830 1916 Ada Pennsylvania 149th Pennsylvania Infantry
SMITH Lindol 1832 1911 Latah Indiana Co. G, 73rd Indiana Infantry
SMITH Marques L 1839 Latah Iowa Co. A, 4th Iowa
SMITH Randolph E 1844 1925 Bonneville Ohio Co. G, 89th Ohio Infantry
SMITH William Henry Harrison 1845 1934 Ada Iowa 7th Iowa Cavalry
Snow Madison Marion 1836 1902 Moscow, Latah County Indiana 1st Regimetn, Indiana Heavy Artillery; 21st Regiment Infantry
SNYDER George L 1845 1913 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. G, 35th Wisconsin Infantry
Snyder Washington 1847 Kootenai Co. Wisconsin 22nd Wisconsin
SOMERLATT Karl 1842 ? 1927 Ada Wisconsin Co. B, 28th Wisconsin Infantry
Southard W Asburry 1903 Ada Indiana 13th Indiana
Sower G F Canyon Missouri Co, E, 9th Missouri Infantry
SPARBER Theodore F 1847 1927 Latah Minnesota Co. G, 9th Minnesota Infantry
Sparks Thomas 1842 Bannock Texas Co. D, 17th Regt, Texas Volunteer Infantry
SPAULDING Albion 1843 ? 1910 Ada Maine Co. I, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Spencer Webster M Twin Falls Iowa Co. E, 20th Iowa
SPOFFORD Judson 1846 1937 Ada Vermont Co. K, 10th Vermont Infantry
Sprague Paul Canyon Michigan Co. B, 26th Michigan Infantry
St. Clair James 1842? Illinois
STAATS George K 1840 ? 1910 Ada Co. G, 1st Cavalry
Stahl Benj. E Ada Colorado Co. K, 3rd Colorado Cavalry
STALEY Stephen B 1843 1917 Bear Lake Ohio Co. B, 2nd Ohio Infantry
Star Leander J Shoshone Oregon Co. A, 1st Oregon Infantry
STARNES James Mathew 1844 1912 Ada Indiana Co. A, 115th Indiana Infantry
STARRH George 1843 1927 Jefferson Kansas / Nebraska Co. A, 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade Neb. Milita
STARRH Thomas Abel 1841 1919 California / Cassia Nebraska Co. A, 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade Neb. Milita
Steele Jas. H Ada Illinois Co. D, 136th Illinois Infantry
STEEN Otto F 1849 1930 Ada Wisconsin Co. K, 15th Wisconsin Infantry
STEINER John F 1838 ? 1903 Ada / Blaine New York Co. H, 51st New York Infantry
STEINHAUS Frederick C 1847 1919 Lewis Illinois 57th Illinois Infantry
STEPHENS Ezra F 1844 1928 Canyon Maine Co. H, 10th Maine Infantry
Stephens William H. 1897 Indiana Co B, 7th Indiana Infantry
Stevens Jas. W Ada Ohio Co. G, 66th Ohio Infantry
Stevens Joseph Castle 1839 1906 Idaho & W A Confederate Army
STEWARD George Emory 1846 1943 Adams Iowa Co. B, 2nd Iowa Infantry
Stewart Young Kootenai New York Co. D, 140th New York
Stockton H S Canyon
STOCKTON Harling Smith 1846 1930 Canyon Missouri 8th Missouri Cavalry
Stoddard E Q Kootenai Minnesota Co, I, 1st Minnesota
STODDARD Edw'd Q 1844 ? 1927 WA / Kootenai Minnesota Co. H, 11th Minnesota Infantry
STODDARD John H (Jack) 1846 1935 Owhyee Iowa 21st Iowa Infantry
STOKES William S 1844 1904 Cassia Wisconsin Co. F, 18th Wisconsin Infantry
STONER Samuel A 1846 1912 Ada Co. G, 113th Infantry
STRAWN Nicholas 1845 1927 Ada
STRAWN William 1846 1927 Ada Regular Army
STRICKER Herman 1841 1920 Twin Falls Ohio Co. C, 5th Ohio Infantry
STRICKER Thomas H 1837 1916 Kootenai Ohio Co. H, 136th Ohio N. G.
STRICKLAND Amaziah 1904 Gem
Strickland N T Gem
Stridar Edward 1839 1898 Lewis Massachusetts Co K, 4th MA Cavalry
Stridar Edward 1839 1898 Lewis Massachusetts Co M, 1st US Artillery
Stridar Edward 1839 1898 Massachusetts Co M, 1st US Artillery
STROMBERG John W 1846 ? 1929 Kootenai Iowa Co. G, 45th Iowa Infantry
Strong S D Nez Perce Ohio Co. F, 186th Ohio Infantry
STRONG Silas B 1826 1909 Nez Perce Ohio Co. F, 186th Ohio Infantry
STRUSE Frederick 1841 1912 Ada New York Co. H, 129th New York Infantry
STUART David Crockett 1842 1918 Bear Lake Alabama Co. D, 4th Alabama Cavalry Confederate
Stuart William 1831 Ada Missouri 23rd Missouri Volunteers
Stuart William 1895 Canyon Co.
STULL John D 1844 ? 1924 Ada Pennsylvania Co. H, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
STURGEON Henry M 1828 ? 1908 Ada California Co. A, 1st California Infantry
Sullivan A J Blaine Iowa Co. K, 4th Iowa
Sullivan D D Bannock Missouri Co. E, 1st Missouri Cavalry
Sullivan John 1835 ? 1900 Boise Illinois Co. H, 22nd Illinois Infantry
Sullivan Patrick 1901 Bannock New York Co. K, 9th New York Cavalry
Sullivan Thomas Latah Co. D, 3rd U. S. Infantry
Sullivan Wesley 1840 Bonner Illinois Co F, 35th Illinois Infantry
Sullivan Wesley 1840 Bonner Illinois Co K, 150 Illinois
SULLIVAN Andrew Jackson 1845 1923 CA / Gem Iowa 4th Iowa Calvary
SULLIVAN Thomas 1833 ? 1913 Ada Co. K, 2nd United States Infantry
SULLIVAN Thomas 1833 ? 1913 Ada Illinois Co. L, 17th Illinois Cavalry
SULLIVAN Thomas 1833 ? 1913 Ada Illinois Co. K, 2nd United States Infantry
Surdam H Kootenai Wisconsin Co. A, 47th Wisconsin Infantry
SURDAM Harrison 1843 1924 Kootenai Michigan Co. A, 11th Michigan Infantry
Sutherland David 1817 1911 Ada Illinois Co. D, 36th Illinois Infantry
Swan Benjamin F 1843 1907 Ada Michigan Co D, 5th Michigan Cavalry
SWARTZ Benjamin F 1844 1931 Payette Illinois Co. G, 16th Illinois Infantry
SWARTZ John U.S. Marine Corps
SYTHOFF Henry 1835 1919 Ada New York 5th New York Cavalry
Taft Alfred Washington / Adams Illinois Co. D, 137th Illinois
TAIT George New Jersey Co. D, 7th New Jersey Infantry
TALLEY Hyrum A 1847 1930 Lincoln Ohio Ohio Infantry
TAPLIN Cary P 1843 1916 Ada Wisconsin Co. G, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
Taylor C 1833 1920 Bannock Army
Taylor E E Kootenai Illinois Co, F, 112th Illinois
Taylor Eli C 1844 1928 ? Washington Tennessee Co. G, 13th Tennessee Cavalry
Taylor Elisha Elsworth 1846 1915 Kootenai Illinois Co. F, 65th Illinois Infantry
Taylor Hugh A. 1929 Boise Ohio Co. G, 65th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Taylor S F Payette
Taylor Samuel 1848 ? 1928 Payette
Taylor Samuel F
TAYLOR Edward 1839 1913 Ada Illinois Co. K, 25th Illinois Infantry
TAYLOR Elisha Elsworth 1846 1915 Kootenai Illinois Co. F, 65th Illinois Infantry
TAYLOR James P 1847 1939 Ada Nebraska Co. G, 2nd Nebraska Infantry
TAYLOR Samuel F 1848 1936 Oregon
TAYLOR Samuel M 1847 1928 Payette
TAYLOR Samuel M 1847 1928 Payette
Tennant John V Twin Falls Pennsylvania Co. F, 141st Pennsylvania
TETRICK G B Nez Perce Illinois Co. A, 59th Illinois Infantry
Thayer Geo F Payette Michigan Co. K, 6th Michigan Artillery
Thayer George F 1845 1924 Payette Michigan 1st Michigan Sharpshooters
Thayer George F 1845 1924 Payette Michigan Co. K, 6th Michigan Heavy Artillery
THAYER Orrin C 1838 1894 Lincoln Ohio Co. F, 19th Ohio Infantry
Thayer William F 1903 Ada Iowa Co. A, 4th Iowa Infantry
THEMAN Oscar J Kootenai New York Co. D, 134th New York Infantry
THOMAS Henry A. 1841 1928 Benewah Co. I, 7th U.S. Infantry
THOME William 1837 ? 1915 Ada Mass. Co. J, 35th Mass. Infantry
THOMPKINS Chas Kootenai Iowa Co, C, 5th Iowa Cavalry
Thompson John 1832 1877 Owyhee
Thompson John 1826 1898 Ada Indiana Co D, 15th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Thompson Samuel L 1823 1913 Nez Perce Vermont 4th Vermont Infantry
THOMPSON Calvitte C 1844 1931 Ada Iowa Co. C, 45th Iowa Infantry
THOMPSON Joseph B 1844 1923 Gem Vermont Co. 2, 9th Reg., Vermont Vol. Inf.
THORN Henry Harrison 1841 1939 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. G, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry
THORN John S 1936 Ada Illinois Co. H, 47th Illinois Infantry
Thorp Elbridge W. 1844 Kootenai Co. Iowa Co F, 9th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
THRAILKILL Joseph C 1840 1916 Ada Iowa Co. C, 23rd Iowa Infantry
THRALL Michael Joseph 1843 1950 Oregon/Ada Indiana Co. C, 57th Indiana Infantry
Thurston E P Latah Michigan Co. C, 4th Michigan
Thurston E. P. 1841 1923 Moscow Latah County
Tillotson J. Ira Ada Minnesota Co. I, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
Tillotson Silas 1846 1912 Ada Indiana Kendalville Volunteers
TITUS Flavius Josephus 1845 1940 Canyon New York 106th New York Infantry
TOLAND James S 1848 1929 Butte New York 2nd New York Mounted Rifles
TOOTHMAN Davis 1830 1920 Gem Confederate Army
TOUSLEY Albert M 1844 1927 Ada Ohio Co. G, 5th Ohio Infantry
TOUSLEY Joseph C. 1840 1919 Ada Ohio Co. K, 19th Ohio Infantry
Towle Walter R 1832 1913 Bonner Co. G, 4th Regiment of Volunteer Infantry
Townsley Albert Washington / Ada
TREADWELL John F 1846 1917 Ada Arkansas Co. E, 2nd Arkansas Cavalry
TREADWELL Passmore 1840 1881 Ada U.S. Navy
TREMPER William 1837 1908 Ada Indiana Co. A, 73rd Indiana Infantry
Trindle Alexander 1903 Ada Iowa Co. E, 23rd Iowa Infantry
Triplett William Latah New York U. S. New York Marines
TROTTER Marion W 1838 1908 Canyon Iowa 10th Iowa
TROWBRIDGE Henry T. 1847 1930 Bonneville
Troxel Jacob Canyon Ohio Co. C, 80th Ohio Infantry
TRUEBLOOD G B 1829 1907 Bonner
TUFFS Richard W. Co. D, U.S. Light Artillery
TULLER Eric 1845 1925 Ada Illinois 17th Illinois Cavalry
Turner Nathaniel L Ada Kentucky Co. E, 4th Kentucky Cavalry
TURNER Joseph A. Co. C, 2nd Batt'n., U.S. Infantry
TURNER Nathaniel L. 1840 1908 Lemhi/Ada Kentucky Co. E, 4th Kentucky Mounted Inf.