MACOMBER John H. Vermont Co. C, 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery
Maddox Benjamin Franklin 1838 1917 Washington Ohio Co. A, 18th Ohio Infantry
MADDOX Benjamin F 1838 1917 Ada Ohio Co. A, 18th Ohio Infantry
Madison Canud 1833 1902 Latah Illinois Co. D, 53rd Illinois Infantry
MAHER Nicholas 1846 ? 1916 Owyhee Ohio Co. B, 191st Ohio Infantry
MAHER John 1835 1902 Ada / Gem Kentucky Simons Idep. Bat. Of KY, Light Artillery
Mahnken Peter Twin Falls Missouri Co. I, Missouri G. R.
Mahon Wm W Latah Wisconsin Co. H, 25th Wisconsin Infantry
Mahoney Michael Payette / Oregon
MAHURIN Stephen Keith 1845 1927 Idaho Iowa Co. G, 6th Iowa Volunteers
MALLORY William S 1846 1932 Twin Falls
Manfull Stephen Gardner 1839 1921 Lemhi
Manfull Stephen G Lemhi Ohio 32nd Ohio Infantry
Mangun Edd/Ed? Lemh;i
MANLEY Heman P 1830 1913 Kootenai Pennsylvania Co. F, 111th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Manly H P Kootenai California Co. F, 2nd California
Mann Samuel B 1845 ? 1901 Boise Iowa Co. G, 4th Iowa Cavalry
Manning Geo A Nez Perce Massachusetts 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry
MANNING George A 1836 1915 Nez Perce California Co. F, 2nd California Cavalry
Manning Harlan P 1848 Kootenai Co. Vermont 2nd Brigade, 2nd Div, 6th Corp, 11th Vt Artillery
March Jacob C Gem Iowa Co. D, 3rd Iowa Cavalry
March M L Canyon Ohio Co. I, 149th Ohio Infantry
MARKER James 1846 ? Latah Indiana Co. F, 30 Indiana Infantry
Marsh Edwin B 1843 1902 Kootenai Illinois Co. B, 62nd Illinois Infantry
MARSTON Gilman 1811 New Hampshire 2nd New Hampshire Infantry
MARTIN Charles Henry 1844 1911 Lemhi Minnesota Minnesota Mounted Rangers
Martin Chas. H. Lemhi Minnesota Co. H, 1st Minnesota Rangers
Martin Emory B 1848 Kootenai Co. Missouri Co I, 46th Missouri Volunteer Infantry
Martin Geo. A Lemhi Wisconsin Co. D, 8th Wisconsin Infantry
MARTIN George A 1846 ? Lemhi Minnesota Co. D, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
Martin W H Ada Michigan Co. C, 12th Michigan Infantry
MARTIN George Isaac 1846 1926 Latah
Massie Henry Lemhi Ohio Co. H, 5th Ohio Cavalry
MASTERS G W 1846 1924 Ada Iowa Co. H, 8th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry
Mathews Abraham Latah Arkansas Co. D, 1st Arkansas Cavalry
Mathews P A Bannock Illinois Co. I, 135th Illinois Infantry
MATHEWS Reuben E 1843 1911 Ada Illinois Co. A, 1st Illinois Cavalry
Mathews Reuben E Ada Illinois Co. A, 1st Illinois Infantry
Matthews Thomas J 1902 Bannock Illilnois Co K, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
MATTHEWS Stephen A 1839 1921 Ada
Maxey W C Canyon Illinois Co. E, 80th Illinois Infantry
MAXEY William Cannon 1844 1912 California Illinois 1st Illinois Cavalry
MAXEY William Cannon 1844 1912 California / Ada Illinois Co. E, 18th Illinois Infantry
Maxwell Volney H Payette Illinois Co. C, 2nd Illinois Cavalry
MCALAVY Allan 1842 1936 Washington Illinois 62nd Illinois Infantry
MCARTHUR Walter S 1843 1918 Ada Mass. 4th Massachusetts Battery Light Artillery
McBain G J Latah Indiana 73rd Indiana
McBane/McBaine? Gillis J. 1829 Moscow Indiana Co. G, 73rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry
MCBRIDE Anthony 1844 ? 1868 Ada Pennsylvania 99th Pennsylvania
MCCAFFERTY Enos S 1839 1922 Ada Pennsylvania Co. F, 49th Pennsylvania Infantry
MCCALEB Jessie 1837 1878 Lemhi Confederate Army
McCall D M Kootenai Wisconsin Co, E, 3rd Wisconsin
McCall William 1847 1905 Washington Co. Co C, 7th US Infantry
McCall William 1847 1905 Co C, 7th US Infantry
MCCALL Dougal 1835 1916 Kootenai
MCCALLUM Frank 1847 1901 Ada / Shoshone New York Co. C, 20th New York Cavalry
MCCAMMON John 1841 1903 Bear Lake Pennsylvania Co. H, 138th Pennsylvania Infantry
MCCART Joseph O 1841 1917 Bear Lake Indiana 24th Indiana Infantry
MCCARTHY John 1835? 1900 New York Co. E, 18th New York Infantry
McCay John H Twin Falls Tennessee Co. C, 10th Tennessee Cavalry
McClaren Charles M 1846 1931 Ada Pennsylvania Co., I, 6th Pennsylvania Artillery
McClellan Joseph L. 1847 Latah Kansas Co. A, 9th Kansas
McCollister Joel 1843 1933 Clarkston, WA Indiana Co. F, 30th Indian Infantry
McCown Jas. W Lemhi West Virginia Co. C, 12th West Virginia Cavalry
McCown Louis B. 1840 1897 Latah Missouri
McCullough Watson W. 1880 Ada
MCCULLOUGH S H 1848 1932 California / Power Ohio Co. H, 139th Ohio Infantry
McFadden J W Nez Perce Kentucky Co. H, 4th Kentucky Cavalry
MCFADDEN James W 1838 ? Nez Perce Pennsylvania Co. H, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry
McFarland H C Latah Oregon Co. A, 1st Oregon
MCFARLAND H C 1916 Cal / Latah
McGaffee John Sybile Idaho Iowa Union Army
MCGREGOR Andrew H 1930 Ada
McGrew Leander Ada Iowa Co. B, 33rd Iowa Infantry
MCGREW Leeander 1844 1934 Ada Iowa 33rd Iowa Infantry
MCGUINNESS John New York Co. H, 164th New York Infantry
McGuire Henry Shoshone Wisconsin Co. G, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
McGuire Thos. J Ada Colorado Cos. F & A, 1st Colorado Cavalry
MCGUIRE Henry 1846 1926 Ada / Shoshone Wisconsin Co. G, 4th Wisconsin Infantry
MCGUIRE Thomas J 1832 1909 Ada Colorado Co. F, Colorado Cavalry
MCHENDRY A. M. 1845 1893 Ada West Virginia Co. D, 14th West Virginia Infantry
McHenery H G Bannock Ohio Co. B, 38th Ohio Infantry
McHenry Oliver S 1841 1898 Pennsylvania Co B, 11th PA Reserves
McHenry Oliver S 1841 1898 Pennsylvania Co F, 2nd Batt PA Infantry
McHenry Oliver 1841 1898 Co A, 28th US Colored Troops
McHenry Oliver S 1841 1898 Pennsylvania CO B, 40th PA Volunteers
McHenry Oliver S 1841 1898 Co A, 28th US Colored Troops
MCKALLER Frank 1847 1901 Ada / Shoshone New York Co. C, 20th New York Cavalry
MCKENNA Thomas New York Co. G, 91st New York Infantry
McKeon Francis 1838 Bannock New York Co., H, 115th New York Volunteer Infantry
McKeon Francis 1838 Bannock New York Trans to US Navy 1864
McKeon Francis 1838 Bannock New York Co., H, 115th New York Volunteer Infantry
McKeon Francis 1838 Bannock New York Trans to US Navy 1864
McKillip A H Kootenai Illinois Co. C, 153rd Illinois
McKillop John 1902 Bannock New York 65th & 67th Regiments, NY Volunteers
MCKINNIS Robert 1845 1929 Ada Iowa Co. G, 9th Iowa Infantry
McLennan Louis 1844 Boundary New Jersey Co. E, 33rd New Jersey Infantry
MCLEOD Duncan 1903 Idaho
McLeran S R Ada Vermont Co. F, 15th Vermont Infantry
MCLERAN Samuel R 1842 1916 Ada Vermont Co. F, 5th Vermont Infantry
McNair Rebecca J. 1835? 1920 Caldwell
McNair William A. Ohio & Illinois Co. A, 4th Ohio Cavalry; and Co. H, 11th Illinois Cavalry
McNair Wm T Canyon Ohio Co. A, 4th Ohio Cavalry
McNair Wm/William? A. 1831 1914 Caldwell
McNew William N. 1845 1925 Elk River, Clearwater Quarter Master Corps
Mead Martin H 1846 1928 Canyon / Bannock
MEARS Frederick 1st U.S. Sh. Sh.
MELGRAVE Emmet P. Virginia 43rd Virginia Heavy Artillary
MERICA Joseph 1840 ? 1909 Ada / Latah Indiana Co. C, 44th Indiana Infantry
MERRILL Isaac A L 1840 1916 Latah
MESSER John Fenwick 1842 1925 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. F, Wisconsin Infantry
METSKER Jared 1834 1919 Latah Iowa Co. B, 5th Iowa Infantry
Michael Labert Latah Ohio Co. C, 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery
MIDDLETON George 1841 1924 Bannock
MILES Jos O 1847 1939 Kootenai Co, K, 8th U. S. Infantry
MILES Rodolphus 1843 1921 Kootenai Maine Co. D, 8th Maine Regiment
MILLEMAN John F 1827 ? 1899 Ada Washington Co. D, 1st Washington Volunteers
Miller Abraham Gem Tennessee Co. C, 18th Tennessee Cavalry
Miller Benj. Ada Ohio Co. B, 55th Ohio Infantry
Miller Chas. Ada Ohio Co. D, 26th Ohio Infantry
Miller David T 1843 1924 Ada Iowa Co. G, 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Miller David T 1843 1924 Ada Iowa Co. G, 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Miller Henry T 1845 1930 Bonner
Miller J O Latah Wisconsin Co. C, 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery
Miller Josiah E 1842 1923 Cassia Pennsylvania Co. H, 105th Pennsylvania Infantry
Miller Josiah E 1842 1923 Cassia
Miller Lee / Leopold 1840 1921 Idaho
Miller Leopold Idaho / Boise / Valley Pennsylvania Co. C, 1st Pennsylvania
Miller Leopold 1840 1921 Idaho Co
Miller Nelson Ada Michigan Co. E, 10th Michigan Cavalry
MILLER Charles 1845 ? 1930 Oregon
MILLER Nelson 1842 1921 Ada Michigan Co. E, 10th Michigan Infantry
Milligan William 1842 1904 Washington Kentucky 11th Kentucky
Miner P R Washington,DC/Ada Illinois Co. B, 84th Illinois Infantry
Miner Parcus R 1844 1917 Ada Illinois 84th Illinois Volunteers
MINER William H 1839 1923 Ada Wisconsin Co. F, 33rd Wisconsin Infantry
Minion J S Kootenai Minnesota Co. E, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
Mitchell A J Canyon Iowa Co. I, 8th Iowa Infantry
Mitchell A./Alfred J. 1840 1915 Parma Iowa Co. E, 8th Iowa Infantry
Mitchell Alfred J. 1840 1915 Parma Iowa Co. E, 8th Iowa Infantry
MITCHELL John 1841 1903 Ada Michigan Battery A, 1st Michigan Lt. Artill.
MITCHELL Milton 1840 1923 Nez Perce
MITCHELL Pete 1844 1920 Ada
MITCHELL Samuel 1834 1918 Jefferson Illinois Co. C, 7th Illinois Infantry
Mitts Jacob C Ada Wisconsin Co. M, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry
MITTS Jacob C 1846 1935 Ada Wisconsin 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry
MIX Frank E 1838 1919 Latah
MOFFITT Edward H 1845 Shoshone Illinois Co. F, 2nd Illinois Infantry
Mole William H. 1904 Ada New York Co Z, QPYth NY Infantry
Mole William H. New York Co E, 106th NY Infantry
Mole William H. 1830 1904 Ada
Monk J W Canyon
MONK James W 1837 ? 1930 CO. / Canyon
MONROE J A 1894 Washington
MONROE J R Ada California Co. M, 2nd California Cavalry
MONROE John 1846 ? 1907 Ada Illinois Co. E, 39th Illinois Infantry
Montgomery H D Kootenai / WA Ohio Co. D, 1st Ohio Cavalry
MOON James Henry 1844 1891 Bear Lake Michigan 10th Michigan Cavalry
Moore A H Payette / Idaho
Moore Albert Herbert 1840 1919 Idaho Massachusetts
Moore Andrew Idaho / Spokane WA Illinois Co. G, 7th Illinois
MOORE George W 1840 1913 Kootenai New York Co. G, 50th New York Engineers
Moore Madison M 1831 1915 Ada Ohio Ohio Battery
MOORE Robert Clinton 1846 1912 Latah Illinois Co. I, 140th Illinois Vol. Infantry
Morbeck C O Kootenai Wisconsin Co. F, 15th Wisconsin
MORLEY Elias S 1830 1902 Lincoln Vermont Co. F, 1st Vermont Cavalry
MORRISEY Andrew Sailing vessel "Savandra" (Sarandra?)
MORRISON Alexander 1847 1918 Lincoln
MORRISSEY Jesse M 1843 1935 Ada Iowa Co. I, Iowa Cavalry
Morton F D Ada New York Co. D, 11th New York
MORTON Franklin D 1847 ? 1910 Ada Missouri Co. D, 18th Missouri Infantry
Moss Albert B Payette Illinois Co. B, 45th Illinois Infantry
Moss Albert B Payette Illinois Co. B, 45th Illinois Infantry
MOTER Robert C 1844 1939 Bonner Iowa Co. K, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
MOULTON P H B 1817 1915 Canyon Missouri Co. E, 6th Missouri Infantry
MOULTON P H B 1817 1915 Canyon Missouri Co. H, 1st Missouri Cavalry
MOULTON P H B 1817 1915 Canyon Missouri Co. E, 6th Missouri Infantry
Mourier A D Latah Illinois Co. C, 12th Illinois Cavalry
Mryan Wm. J Lemhi Iowa Co. B, 9th Iowa Infantry
MUDGETT Recorder Morris 1841 1913 Canyon Iowa Co. L, 3rd Iowa Volunteer Cavalry
MULL Edward H 1837 1919 Ada Illinois Co. A, 113th Illinois Infantry
Murphy Chas H Latah Iowa Co. H, 13th Iowa Infantry
Nartin Emery B 1911 Kootenai Missouri Co., I, 46th Missouri Regt
NASH Newland N 1842 1912 Ada Co. G, 1st Engineers & Mechanics
Nasholds Egbert D 1846 1892 Lemhi
Nasseur Albert R 1843 1905 Ada Pennsylvania Co H, 107th PA Infantry
Neal John Canyon Arkansas Co. A, 1st Arkansas Cavalry
Neal L C Nez Perce Wisconsin Co. I, 12th Wisconsin Infantry
NEAL John 1837 1914 Payette Arkansas Co. A, 1st Arkansas Cavalry
NEELEY William J 1841 1934 Ada Medical Corps.
NEELY William J 1841 1934 Ada Medical Corps.
NEIL John B 1842 1902 Ohio Ohio Ohio Volunteer Infantry
NELSON John L 1837 1906 Bear Lake
Nelson M Latah Indiana Co. E, 33rd Indiana Infantry
Nelson William L 1844 1923 Ada New York Co. K, 6th New York Artillery
Nelson Wm. L Ada New York Co. K, 6th New York Artillery
NEMLO Leeper 1844 ? 1908 Ada Pennsylvania Co. H, 122nd Pennsylvania Infantry
NEMLO Leeper 1844 1908 Ada Pennsylvania Co. C, Pennsylvania Indpendent Battery
NEMLO Leeper 1844 1908 Ada Pennsylvania Co. H, 122nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Nettleton A G Canyon Ohio Co, E, 166th Ohio Infantry
Nettleton Amos H. 1831 1900 Illinois Co E, 1st Illinois Light Artillery
NETTLETON Austin Geo 1841 1922 Canyon Ohio 166th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Newbey Robert 1905 Wisconsin Co E, 32nd Wisconsin Infantry
NEWELL George W. 1842 1902 Ada New York Co. H, 100th New York Infantry
NEWELL John Snowman 1847 1935 Bingham Maine Co. F, 12th Main Infantry
NEWHOUSE Herman J 1843 1919 Kootenai Minnesota Co. H, 8th Minnesota Infantry
Newman Horace C 1904 Washington Nebraska Co D, 2nd Nebraska Cavalry
NICHOLAS Henry 1840 1928 Ada Illinois Co. G, 84th Illinois Infantry
Nichols George H. 1907 Canyon Co. Wisconsin Co F, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry
Nichols George H. 1907 Canyon Co. Wisconsin Co I, 33rd Wisconsin Infantry
Nichols George H. 1907 Canyon Co. Wisconsin 16th Wisconsin Infantry
Nichols George H. 1907 Canyon Co. Wisconsin Co B, 38th Wisconsin Infantry
Nichols J K Canyon / Ada Missouri Co. M, 15th Missouri Cavalry
NICHOLS Melvin 1844 1929 Ada Illinois Co. H, 65th Illinois Infantry
NICHOLS Felix Grundy 1844 ? 1928 Washington
NICHOLS George 1839 ? 1909 Owyhee
NICHOLS James K 1842 1923 Ada Missouri Co. M, 15th Missouri Cavalry
NICHOLS William H. New York Co. E, 1st New York Provost Cavalry
NIMLO Leeper 1844 1908 Ada Pennsylvania Co. H, 122nd Pennsylvania Infantry
NITCHER Thomas 1835 1920 Ada Kansas 16th Kansas Cavalry
NIXON Rudolph 1845 1919 Ada Illinois Co. E, 62nd Illinois Infantry
Noble John Ada Illinois Co. H, 15th Illinois Cavalry
NORTON William 1842 ? 1907 Ada Co. D, 8th U. S. Infantry
Notman David 1840 Latah Wisconsin Co D, 38th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
NOTT Jesse Dykes 1846 1931 Ada
NOWLAND James Perry 1846 1913 Bear Lake Michigan Co, C, 1st Michigan Cavalry
NUTT Edward O 1835 1917 Lewis Iowa Co. D, 32nd Iowa Volunteers
Nuzman Chas. Ada Kansas Co. A, 15th Kansas Cavalry
OAKLEY Ebenezer W 1836 1902 Bear Lake Illinois ? Co. H, 8th Illinois Cavalry ?
O'Brien John J 1836 1921 Kootenai Co.
O'Callaghan Edward J. 1841? Mass.
ODER Gus 1845 1930 Ada Missouri Co. I, 14th Missouri Cavalry
ODOR, Gustavus [see Oder] 1845 1930 Ada Missouri Co. I, 14th Missouri Cavalry
Ogg Hiram Payette Iowa Co. A, 27th Iowa Infantry
Olden Benj. F Ada Illinois Co. D, 117th Illinois Infantry
Olds Isaac 1818 1899 Latah Illinois 42nd Regt Illinois Infantry
O'Leary A J Washington Co. C, 9th U. S.
Olen D W Kootenai Pennsylvania Co. C, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Oliver Francis / Frank 1832? 1880 Nez Perce Co. G, 1st United States Cavalry
OLIVER Frank 1833 ? 1880 Nez Perce Maryland Army of the Potomac
OLIVER Harlyn S 1846 1916 Nez Perce Indiana Co. A, 12th Indiana Cavalry
OLIVER John B 1911 Gem Co. A, 36th Reg. Volunteers
OLIVER Joshua C. 1843 1912 Ada / Payette Minnesota Co. I, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
OLMSTEAD Frank L 1841 1931 Canyon New York Co. A, 51st New York
O'NEAL Edward 1845 1921 Lemhi Illinois 34th Illinois Infantry
ORBISON J Telford 1841 Nez Perce Indiana Co. E, 55th Indiana Infantry
OSBORN Albert 1828 1894 Canyon Ohio Co. C, 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Osborne Thomas D 1845 1925 Jefferson Ohio 17th Ohio Volunteers
Ott Daniel P Ada Ohio Co. C, 131st Ohio Infantry
Otto Albert Shoshone Missouri Co. I, 21st Missouri Infantry
Owen John J. 1843 Latah Illinois Co. C, Co. I, 57th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Owen W H Canyon Missouri Co. G, 42nd Missouri Infantry
OYLEAR Johnathan Charles 1838 1919 Nez Perce
PADDOCK Edward Anson 1843 1940 Washington Wisconsin Co. E, 48th Wisconsin Infantry
Page F T Washington Kansas Co. C, 11th Kansas
PAGE Freeman T 1845 1930 Washington Kansas Co. M, Kansas Cavalry
PAINE Waldo W 1833 1920 Ada
Palmer C W Latah Minnesota Co. F, 1st Minnesota
Palmer Charles W. 1838 Latah Minnesota 1st Minnesota Cavalry
Parish William W. 1840 1907 Nez Perce Ohio Co F, 25th Ohio Infantry
Parish William W. 1840 1907 Ohio Co H, 195th Ohio Infantry
Parker Frank J. 1842 ? 1928 California California Co. D, 1st California Volunteers
PARKER Ira 1825 1905 Nez Perce Ohio Co. I, 38th Ohio Infantry
Parker M Washington Siddons
PARKINSON Fountain W 1911 Ada
Parks Austin Ada Iowa Co. E, 17th Iowa Infantry
Parrish William W. 1840 1907 Ohio Co F, 25th Ohio Infantry
Parrish William W. 1840 1907 Ohio Co H, 195th Ohio Infantry
Parrot Henry 1842 ? 1901 Ada / Boise Illinois Co. G, 2nd Illinois Cavalry
Parson George Gem Iowa Co. E, 15th Iowa
Parsons George M. 1850 1906 Ada Ohio Co F, 189th Ohio Infantry
PATTERSON William 1840 1930 Canyon New York 10th New York Cavalry
PATTON John M 1846 1917 Minidoka Iowa Co. C, 33rd Iowa Infantry
PAULY Robert A 1844 1925 Kootenai Illinois Co. G, 1st Illinois Cavalry
PAXTON Joseph K 1846 1916 Ada Illinois Co. K, 1st Illinois Light Artillery
Payne W W Payette Michigan Co. K, 29th Michigan Infantry
Peck Geo. W Latah Oregon Co. E, 1st Oregon Cavalry
PECK George W 1829 1909 Ada California 3rd California Volunteers
Pecott Joseph Ada Ohio Co. I, 47th Ohio Infantry
Pecott Joseph H. 1838 1908 Ada
PEIRCE Parker 1844 1930 Lewis Minnesota 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
PENCE John 1840 1908 Owyhee Iowa 36th Iowa Volunteers
PENCE Joseph Carman 1844 1916 Ada Iowa Co. A, 19th Iowa Infantry
PENINGER George W 1845 1932 Ada
Penner Andrew J. Maryland
Perkins J./James? M. Illinois Co. G, 34th Illinois Infantry
Perry A G 1901 Nez Perce Maine Battery M, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Perry Wesley 1833 1900 Ada Minnesota Co. C, 4th Minnesota Infantry
Peterson Thomas 1830 1908 Canyon Co. Wisconsin 50th Wisconsin Infantry
PETTENGILL Henry H 1846 1899 Ada Vermont Co. B, 11th Vermont Infantry
Pettijohn D B Twin Falls Minnesota Co. A, 2nd Minnesota
PHELPS Ralph 1841 1921 Kootenai Minnesota Co. H, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
Phillippi James M. 1847 Boise, Idaho Soldiers Home
PIATT Lafayette 1839 1922 Nez Perce Illinois 112th Illinois
Pickering R Latah Ohio Co, K, 15th Ohio Infantry
PICKERING Rees 1842 Latah Ohio 15th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Picotte T E Blaine New York Co. K, 102nd New York
Pierce C P Ada Wisconsin Co. B, 44th Wisconsin Infantry
PIERCE Charles P 1844 1931 Ada Wisconsin Co. B, 44th Wisconsin Infantry
Pierce David K 1838 1906 Lemhi Pennsylvania Co E, 8th PA Infantry
Pierce David K 1838 1906 Lemhi Pennsylvania Co E, 124th PA Infantry
Pierce David K 1838 1906 Lemhi Pennsylvania Co G, 7th PA Cavalry
PIERCE George 1846 1938 Washington Minnesota
PIERCE Parker 1844 1930 Lewis Minnesota 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
Pierce Samuel Nelson 1835 1914 Elmore Wisconsin Wisconsin Infantry
Pierce Saurel N 1835 1914 Elmore
PIERCE Thomas H. 1844 1906 Ada Illinois Co. E, 94th Illinois Infantry
PIERCE Parker 1844 1930 Lewis Minnesota 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
PIERK B F 1817 ? 1901 Latah Mexican & Civil War
PIERSTORF August 1895 Nez Perce/WA Wisconsin 11th Wisconsin Volunteers
PIPKIN William M 1843 1922 Ada
Playford Henry R Ada Illinois Co. I, 65th Illinois Infantry
Pledger John W. 1839 Latah Wisconsin 3rd Battery of Wisconsin Light Artillery; 47th Wisonsin
Pledger John W. 1839 1905 Latah Wisconsin Co. E, 47th Regt. Wisconsin Infantry
Pledger Rachel 1909 Latah
Pollick William 1901 Ada Ohio Co. E, 188th Ohio Infantry
Pollok William 1901 Ada Ohio Co. E, 188th Ohio Infantry
Poole/Pool? George 1843 1925 Elmore
POORE Robert Thomas 1848 1931 Lewis Co. E, 69th Regiment
Poppy Henry Lemhi California Co. A, 1st California Infantry
POPPY Charles Henry 1836 1916 Lemhi California California Regiment
Porter J P Bingham Pennsylvania Co. B, 58th Pennsylvania Infantry
PORTER Charles A 1900 Washington Minnesota Co. I, 1st Minnesota Rangers
Post D A Gem
Pottenger James W. 1849 1932 Valley
POTTER James R 1844 ? 1924 Ada Missouri Co. D. 16th Missouri Vol. Cavalry
POTTER John Wesley 1844 1913 Latah Missouri 24th Missouri Infantry
POTTER John Wesley 1844 1913 Latah Illinois 16th Illinois Infantry
POWELL Acil G 1909 Nez Perce
POWELL Bailey 1834 ? 1908 Ada West Va. Co. B, 2nd West Virginia
Powers Samuel J. 1841? 1920 Idaho Soldiers Home Missouri Co. D, 46th Missouri Infantry
PRATHER James Missouri Co. K, 1st Missouri Cavalry
Prestol John Payette Ohio Co. D, 1st Ohio Artillery
PRICE Butler D. Pennsylvania Co. E, 2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry
PRICE Charles 1842 1908 Lemhi Confederate Army
PRICE Henry B 1846 ? 1921 Twin Falls
PRICE John Wesley 1843 1933 Canyon Wisconsin 12th Wisconsin Infantry
PRICE Lewis 1843 ? 1906 Nez Perce Indiana Co, C, 79th Indiana Volunteers
PRICHARD Andrew J 1830 ? 1902 Shoshone
PRINCE Lorton 1843 ? 1917 Lemhi
Pritchett Wesley W Washington West Virginia Co. C, 12th West Virginia
PULVER James H 1839 1918 Ada Ohio Co. I, 67th Ohio
Putman James E 1901 Ada / California 12th U. S. Infantry
PUTMAN Benjamin F 1846 1908 Lewis Illinois Co. E, 132nd Illinois Infantry
PUTMAN James Harvey 1914 Latah / WA Illinois Co. F, 3rd Illinois Volunteer Cavalry
Pyeatt Thomas Lemhi Illinois Co. K, 81st Illinois Cavalry