H - L
HAAS William H 1839 1919 Ada Illinois Co. D, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
HACKETT John 1826 1926 Shoshone New York Irish Brigade of New York City
Hadley Cornelius 1913 Ada Kansas Co. C, 11th Kansas Cavalry
HADLEY Daniel R 1839 1919 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. G, 25th Wisconsin Infantry
HAGAN Albert 1842 1895 Kootenai Missouri 1st Missouri Battalion
Hagar John 1830 Kootenai Co. Pennsylvania First Dragoons
HAGER John 1830 1907 Kootenai Co. G, U. S. Cavalry
HALE Christopher J. ? 1902 Ada Indiana 53rd Indiana Infantry
HALE Orzo M 1840 1912 Ada Michigan Co. C, 10th Michigan Volunteers
Hall Abraham S 1909 Ohio Co I, 88th Ohio Infantry
HALL Manford 1842 1916 Ada Iowa 19th Iowa Infantry
Halverson S Latah Wisconsin Co. K, 3rd Wisconsin
HAM David A 1844 1923 Payette Wisconsin Co. E, 8th Wisconsin Infantry
Hamilton J H Canyon Indiana Co, K, 43rd Indiana Infantry
Hamilton Wm Washington Indiana Co. A, 8th Indiana
HAMILTON John H 1847 1930 Ada Indiana Co. K, 43rd Indiana Infantry
HAMLIN Fred I.D. 1923 MN/Kootenai Michigan Co. K, 13th Michigan
Hamlin I D Kootenai Michigan Co. K, 13th Michigan
HAMMACK Andrew 1818 1893 Canyon Missouri Co. A, 14th Missouri Cavalry
Hammer Wm. B Ada Illinois Co. D, 20th Illinois Infantry
HAMMOND Orville Homer 1841 1916 Kootenai Iowa Co. E, 7th Iowa Cavalry
HANLON T O 1846 1911 Nez Perce New York Battery E, 1st Artillery
Hanlon T O Nez Perce New York 13th New York Cavalry
Hanna William W. 1843 1904 Ada Co H, 15th US Infantry
HANNAFORD George A 1845 1929
HANNAH (Henry) V. D. 1842 1923 Canyon Indiana 2nd Indiana Light Artillery
HANSON John 1827 1908 Idaho New York Navy (Master of gunboar Cayuga)
Hanson John 1827 1909 Idaho U.S. Navy
Hanson William Kootenai Illinois Co. B, 138th Illinois
HANVEY Jack 1900 Nez Perce
Hard Wade P. 1840 1907 Boise Michigan 3rd Michigan Cavalry, 5th Michigan Light Artillery
HARDENBROOK Thompson H or A 1844 1921 Idaho Kansas Co. B, 7th Kansas Cavalry
HARDIN John William 1848 1928 Nez Perce Illinois Co. I, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
HARDWICK John or Azubah H or D 1850 1934 Bannock Illinois Co. H, 21st Illinois Infantry
Harkey J M 1923 Bannock Confederate
Harkness H O Bannock Illinois Co. K, 45th Illinois Infantry
HARKNESS Henry O 1835 1911 Bannock Illinois Co. K, 45th Illinois Infantry
Harley Cornelius Gem California Co. M, 1st California Cavalry
HARRINGTON Horace 1844 1914 Kootenai Illinois Co. F, 27th Illinois Infantry
HARRINGTON Jason M. 1843 Nez Perce Minnesota Quartermaster's Dept. under Capt. Haskell
HARRINGTON Samuel Nez Perce New York Co. G, 44th New York Infantry
Harrington Scofield 1901 ? Nez Perce New York 96th New York Infantry
HARRINGTON William R. 1844 1907 Adams Kansas Co. F, 16th Kansas Cavalry
HARRIS Columbus 1846 ? 1900 Ada Illinois Co. K, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery
HARRIS George T 1836 1931 Twin Falls Tennessee Tennessee Cavalry
HARRIS George T 1836 1931 Twin Falls Tennessee Tennessee Cavalry
Harris Noah W Washington Wisconsin Co. C, 48th Wisconsin
Harris Noah Washington 1832 1912 Washington Missouri 2nd Missouri Cavalry
HARRIS Richard 1930 Ada Co. D, 2nd U.S. Infantry
Harris Rober Moore 1831 1920 Adams Salina Hospital
HARRIS Russell 1833 1918 Ada Wisconsin Co. G, 6th Wisconsin Infantry
HARRIS Columbus 1846 ? 1900 Ada Illinois Co. K, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery
HARRIS Richard 1930 Ada Co. D, 2nd U.S. Infantry
Hart John
Hart Nelson 1840 Latah 2nd, 17th United States Sharpshooters
Hart W A Kootenai Wisconsin Co. G, 11th Wisconsin
HART Horace 1828 1934 Twin Falls Illinois 8th Illinois Cavalry
Hart John H Canyon New York Co. C, 8th New York Infantry
HART Nelson 1840 1925 Latah Indiana Co. I, 132nd Indiana Infantry
HART Warren A 1840 1928 Kootenai Wisconsin 9th U. S. Veterans Co. C, 1st Army Corps
HART Warren A 1842 1928 Kootenai Wisconsin 11th Wisconsin
Hartley J M Canyon Indiana Co. D, 85th Indiana Infantry
HARVEY Stephen Gooding Michigan Co. K, 29th Michigan Infantry
HASS William H 1839 1919 Ada Illinois Co. D, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
HATTER Stephen 1833 ? 1898 Ada Minnesota Co. S, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
Hawks W S Canyon Massachusetts Co. E, 8th Massachusetts Infantry
Hawley John 1830 ? 1900 Ada Oregon Co. A, 1st Oregon Cavalry
Hawley William 1840 1901 Idaho Illinois Co. C, 12th Illinois Cavalry
HAYES Alma 1846 1935 Caribou
Hayes George L 1913 Ohio Co. B, 1st Ohio Hv Art
HAYNES Thomas 1842 1928 Ada
HAYS George L 1834 1913 Kootenai Ohio 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery
Hays George L Kootenai Ohio Co. B, 1st Ohio H. A.
Hays George L 1834 1913 Benewah Ohio Co B, 117th Onio
HAYS John H. 1844 1904 Latah
HAYS Thomas 1845 ? 1900 Ada 6th Regular Army Cavalry
HAYWARD Ezekiel 1833 1921 Ada Ohio 36th Ohio Cavalry
HAZELBAKER Christopher 1834 1919 Idaho Indiana Co. B, Indiana Volunteers
HEATH Albert H 1824 1912 Clearwater Minnesota Co. A, 8th Minnesota Infantry
HEATHCO Solomon 1839 1927 Adams
Heise Richard Clamor 1844 1921 Jefferson
HEIZER John E 1842 1927 Ada Indiana Co. K, 52nd Indiana Infantry
Helm John Canyon Utah Utah Independent Cavalry
HELM William H 1837 1908 Nez Perce Missouri Co. C, 48th Missouri Infantry
HELPHREY Daniel 1841 1916 Ada
HENDERSON William Harrison 1846 1926 Latah North Carolina Co. C, North Carolina
HERENDEEN Sanford A. 1845 1926 Ada Navy
HERMAN John M. 1845 1913 Latah
HERTLE Thomas Alexander 1843 1928 Canyon Indiana Co. L, 33rd Indiana Infantry
HERTLE Thomas Alexander 1843 1928 Canyon Indiana Troop 1, U.S. Cavalry
HESS Andrew 1850 1913 Gooding
Hetinger P F Washington Iowa Co. G, 27th Iowa
Hettinger P F 1845 1912 Washington Iowa Co. G, 27th Iowa Cavalry
Hettinger P F 1845 1912 Washington Wisconsin
Hettinger Perry F 1845 1912 Washington Co. G, 27th Idaho Infantry
HEWES Edward A 1844 1907 Ada New York Co. H, 21st New York Volunteers
Heyman / Hyman John A 1841 ? 1901 Nez Perce Illinois Co. K, 7th Illinois Infantry
Hickey John 1845 1913 New York Co. B, 1st NY Artillery
Higgins H F Kootenai New York Co. A, 1st New York Cavalry
HIGGINS Henry 1837 1909 Kootenai New York Co. A, 1st New York Cavalry
Hill Emmett 1833 1917 Latah
HILL Frank Clinton 1847 1915 Bingham
HILL David Oliver 1838 1908 Ada Illinois Co. H, 3rd Illinois Vol. Cavalry
Hillman Philip W 1843 1924 Ada Pennsylvania Co. A, 67th Pennsylvania Infantry
Hilt John Ada Iowa Co. G, 4th Iowa Cavalry
Hiltibiddle Leonard 1838 1927 Washington Iowa 20th Iowa Volunteers
HINDS Orange S 1847 1929 Ada Indiana Co. C, 129th Indiana Infantry
Hitchcock H A Washington / Adams Iowa Co. C, 48th Iowa
Hite Nicholas 1837 Kootenai Co. Iowa 28th Iowa Infantry
HOAG Wilson H 1841 1919 Bingham Illinois Co. A, 83rd Illinois Infantry
Hoagland James H. 1835 1899 Ada Indiana Co F, 44th Indiana Infantry
HOBART Charles A 1845 1913 Latah Iowa Co. C, 9th Iowa Infantry
Hobert Charles Latah New Jersey Co. D, 6th New Jersey
Hockett Henry Kootenai Iowa Co. G, 43rd Iowa
HODGE George W 1843 1920 Kootenai Vermont Co. E, 13th Vermont Infantry
HODGE John R 1839 1929 Owyhee
Hodgeman W A Blaine Secret Service Man-of-War
Hodson G W Canyon Iowa Co. F, 8th Iowa Infantry
Hodson George W 1839 1914 Canyon
Hoff John G 1837 Bear Lake Pennsylvania 21st. Pennsylvania Regt
HOFF Martin V 1837 1908 Idaho
Hoffliger Alex J Ada Pennsylvania Co. B, 17th Pennsylvania Infantry
Hoffliger Alex J Ada Pennsylvania Co. E, 95th Pennsylvania Infantry
Hoffliger Alexander J 1836 Ada Pennsylvania Co. B, 17th & 95th Pennsylvania Infantry
HOGABOOM Edward 1830 1888 Blaine
Hogan John Q S Bannock U. S. N.
HOISINGTON John Oliver M 1843 1931 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. K, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
HOLBROOK Calvin B 1829 1924 Gooding Ohio Co. G, 11th Ohio Cavalry
Holcomb Norman 1835 1905 Cassia Ohio Co I, 26th Ohio Infantry
HOLLENBECK Henry M 1842 1893 Latah New York Co. E, 91st New York Volunteers
HOLLIS Hiram 1829 1916 Kootenai Co. G, 16th Minn. or Mich. Infantry
Hollister Geo W Latah Minnesota Co. E, 1st Minnesota Infantry
Hollister George N 1843 1926 Nez Perce
HOLLOWAY Samuel P 1843 1927 Ada Iowa Co. C, 47th Iowa Infantry
Holsted Geo. W Ada Wisconsin Co. L, 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry
Holt C B Latah Massachusetts Co. G, 6th Massachusetts
Holt Commodore L 1891 Elmore
Holt Dewitt 1900 Bingham Indiana 31st Indiana Infantry
HOLZSCHEITER Paul 1823 1918 Ada Co. K, 9th U.S. Infantry
HONROTH Fred E 1894 Clearwater Kentucky Co. G, 28th Infantry
HOOSER James W 1840 ? 1909 Bonner Minnesota Co. E, 9th Minnesota Infantry
HOOVER John M 1842 1916 Ada Minnesota Co. E, 10th Minnesota Infantry
HOPKINS Newell H 1846 1912 Ada
Horn Charles 1839 Kootenai Co. New York 45th NY Volunters
Horn Charles Kootenai Co.
Horn George H 1902 Bingham
Hornbeck C O Kootenai Wisconsin Co. B, 15th Wisconsin
HORNER James L 1832 1903 Valley California 5th California Volunteers
Hornsby M M Kootenai New York Co. H, New York Cavalry
Horrie R B Ada Illinois Co. G, 36th Illinois
Horrie Robert B 1844 1916 Ada Illinois Co. G, 36th Illinois
HOSKINS George 1842 1913 Ada Wisconsin Co. A, 13th Wisconsin Infantry
Hoskins George Payette Wisconsin Co. A, 13th Wisconsin Infantry
Hoskins Omar Payette Iowa Co. H, 19th Iowa Infantry
Hotchkiss Robbin R Idaho Wisconsin Co. D, 3rd Wisconsin Infantry
Houdyshell Smith 1843 1915 Canyon Iowa Co. C, 7th Iowa Cavalry
Houtz William 1908 Canyon Co.
HOVEY John Wesley 1840 1916 Idaho Minnesota 2nd Minnesota Battery of Light Artillery
HOWARD Ezra Elkanah 1844 1929 Ada
HOWARD Frank E 1836 1919 Ada California Co. H, 2nd California Infantry
Howard Joseph Stewart 1822 1890 Latah Michigan Co. B, 12th Michigan Infantry
Howard Oliver O 1830 Nez Perce Tennessee Army of Tennessee
Howard Oliver O 1830 1909 Nez Perce Maine 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry
HOWARD William Walter 1849 1935 Utah, Power
Howe Benjamin S
Howe Henry S Ada Minnesota Co. K, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
HOWE Benjamin Shannon 1841 1927 Ada Mass. Co. A, 22nd Massachusetts Inf.
HOWE Henry Sherman 1833 1916 Ada Minnesota Co. K, 2nd Minnesota Vol.
HOWELL Henry 1842 Latah Oregon Co. F, 1st Oregon Infantry
Howk Martin Payette Indiana Co. F, 25th Indiana Infantry
HOWLETT S R 1808 1880 Ada
HOWRY Samuel 1843 1922 Ada Illinois Co. I, 20th Illinois Volunteers
HOYT John P 1841 Army
HUBBARD Daniel 1845 1925 Ada Michigan Co. H, 12th Michigan Infantry
Hubbard John E Ada Kansas 6th Kansas Cavalry
Hubbard W F Kootenai California Co. F, 2nd California Cavalry
Hubbard William F 1909 Kootenai Co. California Co F, 2nd CA Cavalry
HUBBELL Charles H 1842 1907 Ada Pennsylvania Co. C, 83rd Pennsylvania Infantry
HUFFMAN Samuel 1833 1905 Ada Michigan Co. C, 4th Michigan Infantry
HUGGINS Eli Kootenai Minnesota Co. E, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
HUGGINS Eli Kootenai Minnesota Co. K, 1st Minnesota Artillery
HUGHES Edward Blaine Massachusetts 6th Massachusetts Infantry
HUGHES Edward Blaine Massachusetts 31st Massachusetts Infantry
HUGHES Edward Blaine Massachusetts Adm. Farragut's flagship "Hartford"
HUGHES Edwin 1827 1899 Ada Indiana 17th Indiana Infantry
HUGHES John R or W 1845 1943 Gem Arkansas Crawfords Regiment
HUMPHREY William W. 1844 1924 Twin Falls New York Co. F, 188th New York Volunteers
HUMPHREY William W. 1844 1924 Co. F, 188th New York Volunteers
Hunt Thomas W. 1846 Shoshone New York Co D, 149th NY Infantry
Hunt W H Kootenai Michigan Co. M, 5th Michigan Cavalry
Hunt William H. 1835 1909 Kootenai Co. Michigan Co N, Michigan Volunteer Cavalry
Hunt William H. 1909 Kootenai Co.
Hurd C E Bonner Minnesota Co. K, 1st Minnesota H. A
Huss J 1898 Bannock
Huston Joseph W. 1833 1905 Ada Michigan 4th Michigan Cavalry
HUSTON Thomas 1836 1907 Ada Colorado Co. M, 3rd Colorado Cavalry
Hyman / Heyman John A 1841 ? 1901 Nez Perce Illinois Co. K, 7th Illinois Infantry
IMES Richard P 1840 1905 Ada Iowa Co. B, 25th Iowa Infantry
INGERSOLL Thomas C. 1841 1909 Ada Ohio Co. D, 128th Ohio Infantry
IRELAND Fletcher Butte Co. F, 4th Maryland Infantry
Ireton John H Ada Ohio Co. L, 9th Ohio Cavalry
IRETON Lorenzo S 1849 1891 Gem Ohio Co. K, 79th Ohio Infantry
Ireton Samuel W.
IRETON Alexander 1839 1922 Ada Ohio Co. G, 153rd Ohio Vol. Infantry
IRETON John Harvey 1845 1917 Ada Ohio Co. L, 9th Ohio Cavalry
IRETON Samuel W 1837 1926 Ada Ohio Co. G, 153rd Ohio Infantry
IRISH Warren W 1842 1931 Ada New York 10th New York Cavalry
IRVINE J Hamden 1837 ? 1910 Nez Perce Confederate Army
IRVINE Landon C 1842 1926 Latah Confederate Army
IRWIN Charles 1832 1906 Ada Michigan 9th Michigan
IRWIN John N 1847 1908 Ada Iowa 45th Iowa Infantry
IRWIN John N 1847 1908 Ada Missouri Co. L, 5th Missouri Cavalry
IVERS Thomas H 1845 1919 Elmore Iowa Co. G, 7th Iowa Cavalry
JACKS Benjamin F 1839 Nez Perce Illinois Co. A, 50th Illinois
JACKSON Commodore 1842 1927 Elmore Virginia 3rd Virginia Regiment
Jackson D W Shoshone Sailor U. S. N.
Jackson J L Washington / Adams Missouri Co. E, 23rd Missouri
Jackson J W. 1843 1906 Blaine Iowa Co E, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
Jackson John W. 1843 1906 Iowa Co E, 6th Iowa Cavalry
JAIN Lewis 1843 1923 Latah Wisconsin 33rd Wisconsin Infantry
Jameson W K Latah Wisconsin 30th Wisconsin
JAMESON William Kirk 1836 1913 Latah Wisconsin 30th Wisconsin
Jamison Joseph W Payette Illinois Co. H, 111th Illinois Infantry
JAMISON Lorenzo D 1834 1915 Latah Arkansas Co. H, 1st Arkansas Infantry
JARRETT Mark V 1834 1900 Idaho Virginia Co. G, 19th Virginia Cavalry
JARVIS Alexander W ? 1904 Lemhi Indiana Co. H, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery
Jeanjacquet Ernest H. 1840 1908 Colorado Co H, 1st Colorado Cavalry
JELLISON Edwin A 1843 1929 Ada Illinois 54th Illinois Infantry
JELLISON Edwin 1843 1929 Ada Illinois 1st Illinois Infantry
JELLISON Edwin 1843 1929 Ada Illinois Co. B, 8th Illinois Infantry
JELLUM Ellef N 1844 1910 Kootenai 16th U. S. Infantry
JENNE Henry Charles 1841 1923 Bonner Ohio
JENNESS Martin J P 1835 1927 Washington
JENSEN Hendrick 1841 1930 Franklin
JENSON Simon 1843 1931 Kootenai Minnesota Co. G, 5th Minnesota Infantry
Jimerson J W. 1843 1908 Payette Illinois Co H, 111th Illinois Infantry
Jimerson J K Payette Illinois 111th Illinois Infantry
Johnson George P Payette Massachusetts Co. G, 6th Massachusetts
Johnson Isaac S Lemhi Wisconsin Co. I, 3rd Wisconsin Infantry
Johnson Jas D Canyon Illinois Co. A, 115th Illinois Infantry
Johnson Taylor Latah Missouri Co. G, 42nd Missouri Cavalry
Johnson W F Shoshone Iowa Co. E, 5th Iowa Infantry
JOHNSON Adams Getty 1839 1919 Idaho Illinois Graham's Independent Rangers (cavalry)
JOHNSON Adams Getty 1839 1919 Kansas Co. I, 8th Kansas Infantry
JOHNSON Henry Thomas 1840 1921 Latah
JOHNSON James Lyman 1843 ? 1907 Ada California Co. G, 8th California Infantry
JOHNSON John P 1844 1926 Nez Perce Indiana Co. F, 30th Indiana Infantry
Johnston Clarkson Frazier 1847 1932 Ks. / Washington Co Pennsylvania Co. K, 79th Pennsylvania Infantry
Johnston Clarkson Frazier 1847 1932 Ks. / Washington Co Pennsylvania Co. I, 53rd Pennsylvania
Johnston Frazier / Clarkson 1847 1932 Ks. / Washington Co Pennsylvania Co. I, 53rd Pennsylvania
JOHNSTON Lurens H 1834 1910 Custer Colorado Colorado Volunteer Cavalry
Johnston Oscar M 1844 1900 Washington Pennsylvania Co. F, 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Join Leander Latah Wisconsin Co. K, 33rd Wisconsin Infantry
Jones A J 1823 1902 Ada
JONES Albert G 1847 1943 Gem Missouri Missouri Infantry
Jones Allen Canyon Illinois Co. A, 12th Illinois Infantry
JONES John Quinn 1837 1913 Iowa Co. D, 2nd Iowa Infantry
JONES John W 1915 Kootenai Wisconsin Co. G, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
Jones John W. 1842 1905 Oneida Wisconsin Co C, 313st Wisconsin Infantrty
Jones John W. 1905 Oneida Wisconsin Co C, 313st Wisconsin Infantrty
Jones John W. 1842 1904 Oneida Wisconsin Co C, 31st Wisconsin Infantry
Jones Orville P 1840 1900 Canyon Rhode Island Co. H, 2nd Rhode Island Infantry
Jones W J Kootenai Pennsylvania Co. I, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry
JONES Albert G 1847 1943 Gem Missouri Missouri Infantry
JORDAN Adonijah N 1847 1930 Clearwater Captain Lambert's Co.
JOSLIN Marcus L 1847 1925 Ada Pennsylvania Co. M, 102nd Penna.Veteran Vols.
JOY Frank D 1833 1916 Ada Michigan Co. I, 4th Michigan Cavalry
KAMBITACH Jacob 1831 1922 Latah Missouri 2nd Missouri Artillery
Kambitch J Latah Co. F, 6th U. S. Cavalry & 2nd Battery
Kelbe Wm Gem
Keller William 1909 New York Co H, 28th New York Infantry
KELLOGG Washington 1839 1922 Elmore Illinois Co. L, 42nd Illinois Infantry
KELLY William D 1844 1934 Owhyee Iowa Co. D, Iowa Cavalry
KENEDY James H 1846 Kootenai Oregon Co. A, 1st Oregon Infantry
KENFIELD William Fredric(k?) 1846 1929 Nez Perce Michigan Co. F, 7th Michigan Cavalry
Kenfield Wm E Nez Perce Michigan Co. F, 7th Michigan Cavalry
Kennedy James H Kootenai Oregon Co. A, 7th Oregon
KENNEDY James W 1842 1905 Kootenai
Kenney Geo. A. Lemhi Minnesota Co. G,1st Minnesota Infantry
KENNEY George A 1838 1931 Lemhi Minnesota Co. G, 1st Minnesota Volunteers
KENSLER August New York Co. K, 29th New York Volunteers
KENSLER August New York Co. C, 3rd New York Volunteers
KENSLER John 1844 1896 Elmore Iowa Co. A, 39th Iowa Infantry
KENYON Wells 1843 1913 Nez Perce Pennsylvania 6th Pennsylvania
KEPFORD John 1845 1939 Kootenai Pennsylvania Co. D, 2nd Pennsylvania Infantry
KEPHART James 1842 1932 Gooding Co. C, 13th U. S. Infantry
KEPRON Reuben G 1844 1928 Blaine
KERN James W 1844 1928 Ada Kentucky Co. G, 1st Kentucky Cavalry
Keyes G E Bonner 1836 1933 Minnesota Co. C, 5th Minnesota Infantry
KEYES G. E. Co. C, 5th Minnesota Infantry
Keyser Henry 1839 1913 Bonner Illinois 36th Illinois Volunteers
Khulas Henry 1829? 1883 Califronia Hundred
KIBLER Aaron 1840 1932 Kootenai Iowa Co. G, 6th Iowa Infantry
Kimball N F Washington Illinois Co. C, 125th Illinois
Kimball Nelson F 1843 1917 Washington Illinois Co. C, 125th Illinois
KIMBALL Charles P 1849 1926 Washington Illinois Co. G, 178th Illinois
KIMBALL Nathan T 1844 1912 Ada Illinois Co. D, 8th Illinois Cavalry
Kimery Geo. F 1844 1929 Ada Tennessee Co. K, 8th Tennessee Infantry
KIMMONS Waldo E 1845 1925 Kootenai Mass. Co. G, 4th Mass. Regiment
KIMSEY James S 1910 Ada
Kincaid James G Canyon Illinois Co. A, 49th Illinois
Kincaid James G Canyon Illinois Co. H, 1st Illinois Cavalry
KING George R 1842 1934 Lewis Arkansas 1st Arkansas Cavalry
KING Samuel W 1836 1907 Payette
Kingsbury George M
Kingsbury S B Ada Ohio Co. C, 7th Ohio Infantry
KINGSBURY George 1844 1942 Ada Indiana 9th Indiana Infantry
KINGSLEY Eugene P 1845 1914 Ada Ohio Co. K, 150th Ohio Infantry
KINKAID Matthew 1841 1901 Ada Kansas 1st Barrery, Kansas Artillery
Kinman Cyrus L. 1839 Princeton Illinois Co. B, 10th Illinois Infantry; and Co. I 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
KINMAN Cyrus L 1839 1921 California Illinois 115th Illinois Volunteers
KINNEY Alexander 1909 Ada Illinois Co. F, 110th Illinois Infantry
KINSEY James S 1910 Ada
KIPP Isaac 1835 1920 Ada Pennsylvania 158th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kirby James Ada / Blaine Ohio Co. L, 8th Ohio
Kirkpatrick Geo M Canyon Illinois Co. E, 94th Illinois Infantry
Kirkpatrick Geo M 1837 1928 Canyon Illinois Co. E, 94th Illinois Infantry
KIRKPATRICK George Mitchell Canyon
KIRKPATRICK William 1839 1927 Bingham Virginia Co. E, 26th Virginia Battalion
KIRTLEY James Logan 1835 1915 Lemhi Confederate Army
KISLING Jeff 1834 1911 Adams
KITSMILLER Thomas Edward 1845 1896 Nez Perce Ohio Co. A, Ohio Volunteers
KNAPP E R [Jimmy] 1847 1927 Caribou / Bear Lake Wisconsin Co. I, 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry
KNAPP W M 1847 1921 Bonner New York Co. G, 50th New York Engineers
KNIGHT Henry F 1850 1932 Payette Wisconsin 39th Wisconsin Infantry
Knouse Elkan L Gem Iowa Co. G, 21st Iowa
Knowlton Don A Washington Wisconsin Co. E, 28th Wisconsin Infantry
Knowlton J J 1903 Canyon Co.
Knowlton John J 1841 1903 Canyon Co. Wisconsin Co I, 29th Wisconsin Volunteers
KOHLER Frederick Swartz 1836 1908 Canyon Pennsylvania 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry
Krier E H Latah Pennsylvania Navy
KYES George Edgar 1835 1933 Bonner Minnesota Co. C, 6th Minnesota Infantry
LAFFERTY James 1835 ? 1905 Boise
Laird W S Ada Pennsylvania 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
Lamb Geo W Bannock Ohio Co. H, 188th Ohio Infantry
LAMB George Wright 1848 1932 Bannock Ohio Co. H, 188th Ohio Infantry
Lamb Nichols Idaho Co. C, 2nd U. S. Infantry
Lamb Samuel F Payette /Oregon
Lambert A. S. 1831? 1927
Lambert Abiram Stacy 1831 1927
Lamont Hugh 1904 Gem
LAMUNYAN Smith Halsted 1840 1926 Lemhi Ohio 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Lamunyau Smith H Lemhi Ohio Co. F, 105th Ohio Cavalry
LANDRETH William Riley 1839 1924 Canyon Iowa Co. B, 1st Iowa Infantry
LANDRETH William Riley 1839 1924 Canyon Iowa Co. B, 1st Iowa Infantry
LANE John 1837 1914 Nez Perce Confederate Army
LANGDON Albert 1844 1937 Lewis Missouri N/A
LANGDON Samuel J 1829 1909 Cal./ Latah Illinois Co. G, 94th Illinois Vol. Infantry
LANGE Melchoir 1844 1919 Ada Indiana Co. B, 25th Indiana Infantry
LARICHELIERE Henry 1824 1897 Ada / Bannock California Co. H, 7th California Infantry
Lass Herman P./T.? 1840? 1917 Idaho City
Latham Geo. A Ada Illinois Co. H, 132nd Illinois Infantry
Laughlin George Blaine Pennsylvania Co. A, 185th Pennsylvania
LAWLER John 1832 1903 Ada Ohio Co. C, 135th Ohio Infantry
Lawson Herman Kootenai Minnesota Co. I, 1st Minnesota
LAWTON Jerome C 1826 1898 Ada New York Co. K, 146th New York Infantry
LE GRAND Joseph 1836 1897 Shoshone Pennsylvania Co. D, 5th U.S. Infantry
LEACHMAN John F 1844 1910 Nez Perce Illinois Co. B, 78th Illinois Infantry
Ledington Elijah Washington Kansas Co. B, 15th Kansas
Ledington Elijah 1841 1917 Washington
Lee Amos Ada Colorado Co. M, 3rd Colorado Cavalry
Lee H S Bonner New Jersey Co. F, 3rd & 37th New Jersey Infantry
Lee H S Bonner New Jersey Co. F, 3rd & 37th New Jersey Infantry
LEE Henry Sheppard 1842 1917 Bonner New Jersey Co. F, 37th New Jersey Infantry
Lee Herbert A Washington Wisconsin Co. A, 6th Wisconsin
LEE James V 1838 1905 Ada Pennsylvania 5th U.S. Artillery
Lee Leander 1841? California
LEE Patrick New York Co. K, 29th New York Volunteers
LEE Amos 1841 1909 Ada Colorado Co. M, 3rd Colorado Cavalry
LEE James V 1838 1905 Ada Pennsylvania 5th U.S. Artillery
LEE William 1842 1924 Lewis Missouri Co. K, 10th Missouri Infantry
Leeson T J Canyon Minnesota Co. F, 4th Minnesota Infantry
LEESON Thomas Jefferson 1840 1932 Canyon Minnesota 1st Minnesota Infantry
Legrand Joseph 1836 1897 Shoshone Co D, 5th US Infantry
Legrand Joseph 1836 1897 Co C, Co D, 5th US Infantry
Lehew R M Ada Iowa Co. G, 11th Iowa Infantry
LEISER Wilson 1831 1932 Ada Pennsylvania Co. I, 28th Pennsylvania Volunteers
LENNANE Michael 1844 ? 1927 Shoshone Illinois Co. K, 73rd Illinois Infantry
LEONARD Andrew J 1844 1922 Ada Missouri Co. H, 15th Missouri Cavalry
LEONARD Charles H 1845 1932 Ada Louisiana Co. F, 1st Louisiana Infantry
Leonard John Z Ada Nevada 1st Nevada Infantry
LEPER Don H 1841 1923 Ada Pennsylvania Co. H, 83rd Pennsylvania Infantry
LEWIS David Cougar Dave 1844 1936 Ada / Valley
Lewis Fred 1824 ? 1901 Blaine California Co. D, 3rd California Battalion Infantry
LEWIS Joseph 1847 1912 Bear Lake Iowa 2nd Iowa Battery Light Artillery
LIBRERSKI Robert 1826 1928 Ada California Co. I, 8th California Infantry
LIBRERSKI Robert 1826 1928 Ada California Co. I, 8th California Infantry
LICK Nathaniel 1846 1927 Ada 5th United States Cavalry & Navy
Light James Lemhi Michigan Co. A, 10th Michigan Cavalry
LILE Elizabeth 1928 Ada
LILE Lewis N 1833 ? 1900 Ada Kansas Co. C, 10th Kansas Infantry
Lile (Lisle) Lewis 1833 1900 Shosone / Ada Kansas/Ohio 10th Kansas Infantry, 5th Ohio
Lillibridge J A 1844 1899 Bannock US Navy
Lillibridge John A 1844 1899 Bannock US Navy USS Winnipeg
Lillibridge John A 1844 1899 Bannock US Navy
Lincoln D H Kootenai Maine 5th Maine Battery
LIPSCOMB J H 1826 1911 Kootenai West Va. Co. M, 6th West Virginia Vol. Inf.
Lisle Louis N 1833 1900 Ada Kansas Co., C 10th Kansas Volunteer Infantry
Locerby / Lockerby John M 1843 1901 Ada Illinois Co. F, 29th Illinois Infantry
LOCKERBY John N 1844 ? 1901 Ada Illinois Co. S, 29th Illinois Infantry
Lockerby / Locerby John M 1843 1901 Ada Illinois Co. F, 29th Illinois Infantry
LOCKETT Robert A 1839 1922 Oregon Confederate Army, Mogan's Raiders
Lockhart Isaiah Latah Illinois Co. F, 7th Illinois
LOCKHART Marquis R 1846 Bannock Kentucky Kentucky Regiment
Long Napoleon B. 1844 1902 Latah Oregon 1st Oregon Infantry, Co. G
LONGLEY Charles 1843 1930 Ada Iowa 24th Iowa Infantry
Lory Peter Ada Michigan Co. E. 10th Michigan Cavalry
LORY Peter 1846 1926 Ada
LOVELACE Harrison W 1841 1925 Nez Perce
Loveless William J./I? 1842? 1915 Boise Kansas Co. A 6th Kansas Volunteers
Lowe John W. 1851 1911 Ada Pennsylvania Co. A, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
LOWELL Henry 1847 1920 Ada Washington Terr. Co. E, 1st Battalion Wash. Territory
Lozier Geo. M Ada Missouri Co. K, 23rd Missouri Infantry
LOZIER George M 1844 1930 Ada / Lemhi Missouri Co. K, 23rd Missouri Infantry
LUCAS Franklin 1847 1925 Kootenai Ohio Co. H, 154th Ohio NG Infantry
LUDIKIN Joseph 1843 1923 Ada Missouri Co. B, 1st Missouri Cavalry
LYMAN William 1845 ? 1930 Oregon / Minidoka
Lyon Caleb
Lyon Charles B 1844 1914 Ada Pennsylvania Co. E, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Lyon Chas. B Ada Pennsylvania 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
LYON Ivan D 1844 ? Idaho Pennsylvania Co. K, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
LYON Taylor Charles 1847 1942 Payette
Lyon W H. 1904 Kootenai Co.
Lyon William H. 1837 Kootenai Co. Kentucky 16th Kentucky Infantry
LYON Caleb 1822 1875 New York
LYON John H 1846 1921 Ada New York Co. D, 4th New York Heavy Artil.
Lytton John N 1824 ? 1900 Ada Ohio Co. A, 53rd Ohio Infantry